Wednesday, March 31, 2010

HOMEWORK REMINDER: for Thursday April 1st

If you forgot to bring your book home, you can read online...scroll down for Chapters 4 & 5 text...

--Finish reading chapters 4 & 5
--TWO worksheets (Write these out on a piece of paper if you lost or don't have the worksheets)

The first:
Answer the following questions (use the Internet or other source for questions 1 & 2):
(1) In literature, what is a "red-herring?"
(2) What is an alibi?
(3) Who do you think committed the crime? WHY?? **Name the clues that support your theory!!

The second:

Part I:
Give at least THREE different descriptive details for each character using details from the text as given by the narrator and ADD to the textual details by giving your OWN impressions (What is their nationality? What is their occupation? What do they look like? How do they behave, talk, walk, smell, etc.)

Hercule Poirot:
Mary Debenham:
Colonel Arbuthnot:
M. Bouc:
Mr. Ratchett:
Princess Dragomiroff:

Part II -- Each individual group member will choose one character that was most vivid to them and each will draw their own representation of that character.*This can be a portrait or any other creative image that represents the character

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