Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tuesday October 13

In class work: parts of Ancient Greek Ships: stern, bow / prow, starbord, port, rudder, mast, painted eye symbol.

HOMEWORK due Thursday October 15
read chapter 4 The Pig Woman
Quiz on ship parts Thursday October 15

chapter 3, The Brass Island and the Bag of the Winds, was your weekend assignment. Below is the in class assessment.

English I Chapter 3 from The Odyssey The Brass Island and the Bag of Winds assessment

The following are textual excerpts from The Brass Island. Read carefully and number them in chronological (time ) order.

________“Odysseus? But I have heard so much about you! Every ship that passes brings some news of Troy and its heroes….What are you doing so far from your three-island kingdom? The king of Aolia was hungry for news.

__________The Laestrygonians merely took the boat-prows in finger and thumb and twisted them over, tipping men and oars and amphoras and sheep…into the clear, green water….”The gods forgive me,” said Odysseus softly, “One ship left out of twelve.”

________ “What’s in the bag, Captain?”
“Treasure!” declared Odysseus delightedly.” “The best present any host could have given to a weary traveler. Nobody touch it, you hear?”

________ [The island] came out of the sea like a great inverted brass bucket—floating, bobbing, bound about with brass cliffs as high as the wall of Troy.

________ For King Lamus and all his Laestrygonians were cannibals. With great good humor, he crammed two sailors into his mouth and crunched on their bones and picked their leather clothing form between his teeth.

_________The eleven black ships, like splintered shards, spun away through the mist, driven hither and thither….As, in the siege of Troy, the warrior Achilles killed Prince Hector and dragged him by his heels, behind a chariot, three times round the walls of Troy, so the winds dragged Odysseus’ fleet three time round the ocean. …[Poseidon] plucked up his eight winds…and said, “Now listen, Polyphemus, my ugly son, and hear the first note of my revenge on Odysseus.” And his hand…took hold of the spinning fleet and hurled it…Against the brass wall of Aolia.

________ "Get away, Odysseus of Ithaca,” came the reply. “Get away from my spotless kingdom before the gods mistake me for a friend of yours. It’s plain to me that you have offended the immortals. You are a smell in the nose of Heaven that must be sneeze away.

________ “Someone take this tiller. I must sleep. I can’t stay awake another moment.”…Eurylochus leapt the length of the boat, all smiles, all helpfulness. “Let me, Captain.” …And while other men were standing up, exclaiming and pointing out familiar landmarks of home, Eurylochus eased just one of the seven fastening cords beside Odysseus’ sleeping head.

_______ "Last week, Zeus …quarreled with Poseidon. To punish him, Zeus confiscated from him the eight winds of the world, and put them in my safe-keeping for five days. The five days are up, but before I give Poseidon back his winds, why don’t I lend them to you, my dear Odysseus? I shall set just one free—the soft westerly breeze that will car you back home to Ithaca. If you keep all the rest safely penned up in the bag, they can’t hold you back or endanger you with storms and rough seas.”

________[They prayed] to Hera, the mother of the gods, and to Zeus. ..When they first saw the curving bays of Laestryonia reach out to them like welcoming arms, Odysseus believed that their prayers had been answered.

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